Jessica has been fighting hunger in professional and volunteer roles since 2002. She served as the Associate Director of Hunger Solutions Minnesota for nearly 10 years and played a key role in the creation of the Minnesota Food HelpLine in 2008. Jessica also led the administration of the Walk to End Hunger at Mall of America, and after leaving her position at Hunger Solutions Minnesota, she served as a sponsorship consultant for Walk to End Hunger. Through her most recent position as Development and Communications Director at United Way St. Croix Valley, she supported an expansion of hunger-fighting work, including the launch of Farmers Fighting Hunger program and a new Mobile Pantry.
Jessica has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Carleton College in Religion. Active in her local community, Jessica is a member of the New Richmond Rotary and is a 2018 graduate of the New Richmond Community Foundation’s Leadership Trust Initiative. She also served as the founding Board President of the Somerset Community Food Pantry, served as the Board Secretary of United Way St. Croix Valley, and currently serves on the Education Committee at St. Anne’s School. Jessica lives in Somerset with her husband and three children.