Looking to volunteer as a group?
We have opportunities for groups to volunteer together on special projects, at Today’s Harvest, and our Drive-Up program. If your group is interested in volunteering at Open Cupboard, contact volunteer@opencupboard.org or call 651-413-2685.

Sponsor a food drive
One fantastic way to help out Open Cupboard and get your group involved in the community is to sponsor a food drive. Food drives are a great option for groups because they can be planned to fit your schedule and all ages can participate.
Or create your own
Another great way to get your group involved on your own schedule is to create your own specialized drive. Choose items that your group would like to collect, like cleaning supplies, hygiene items, or diapers.
Or your group could build Birthday Bags for us to give to kids during their birthday month.
Need help planning your food drive or unloading donations once it’s done? Feel free to give us a call at 651-233-1296 or email donate@opencupboard.org.