Annabelle usually keeps her social media accounts private, sharing posts only to friends and family. But after a month of visits to Today’s Harvest, Maplewood’s newest free, fresh grocery store operated by Open Cupboard, she made an exception and made public a lengthy Facebook post about her experience.
“TL, DR: Times are hard. Here’s a resource that I’d like to share with others” the post began. It went on to explain what the market is and how it works, in the most encouraging and inviting way. That’s Annabelle; helpful, generous and outgoing.
It takes a lot to dampen Annabelle’s sunny, bubbly disposition. But after experiencing a gap in employment while searching for a job that was less physically demanding and more accommodating to her health and physical abilities, the stressors wore her down and flared up all of her conditions.
“I didn’t have much savings built up and was struggling to pay bills, much less have the money to go to the grocery store,” Annabelle shared. “Before I found out about Today’s Harvest, I was only eating maybe one meal a day for a while. I was struggling to stay on top of chores, errands, life because I was just hungry all the time. I’d still be doing that if not for Today’s Harvest.”
Throughout college, Annabelle worked two or three jobs to keep up with tuition and other expenses. As a young adult, she worked long, demanding hours to build her career. Over time, though, the wear and tear on her body caught up with her and her physical disabilities and invisible conditions. It became clear that a different and more accommodating line of work was what Annabelle needed. “I can’t work myself into the ground anymore. At 32, I am already too old for that.” As she works to secure that, she’s been exploring various resources and benefits, an entirely new experience for someone who grew up with comfortable means.
“My perception of what a food shelf was, because I had never been to one in my life, was that you didn’t get to pick your own food, that maybe food options wouldn’t be fresh or healthy. I also thought that I would be asked a lot of questions, that there would be paperwork requirements and I would have to round up documents.”

The new Maplewood location is only 10 minutes from Annabelle’s house, and while her mom had told her about it, these perceptions and unfamiliarity contributed to her apprehension to visit. “The first time I was gearing up to go I was terrified! I was a bundle of nerves, and already feeling a lot of negative emotions from the things I was going through,” Annabelle explained. “But the staff were so kind and knowledgeable. I noticed they were also able to communicate with those who spoke other languages. The whole process of shopping at Today’s Harvest couldn’t have been easier.”
That nerve-racking first visit is why Annabelle posted to social media, to be a warm referral to a helpful place. “I wish people knew that Open Cupboard and Today’s Harvest exist! I wish people knew how easy it was and how friendly an environment it is. And I wish people knew that there is no shame in needing help.”
Annabelle most appreciates the ready-to-eat and heat-and-eat options often available at Today’s Harvest, because she shares a kitchen with her landlord and doesn’t like to linger in the kitchen a lot. “One of my favorite categories of products are microwavable or oven-ready items, the one or two serving options is perfect for me. It’s so nice that there’s produce and fresh salads and fruit. There was a day that I cried because there were eggs, which I had been wanting for so long but couldn’t afford. The impact the free food has made on me is immense.”
After two months of receiving free food help, Annabelle is quick to explain how it’s about so much more than filling a meal gap or allowing precious funds to go toward urgent expenses, like rent in her case.
“I was able to attend a holiday party that had a potluck by contributing something from the food I received at Today’s Harvest,” she explained. “It can feel embarrassing to be so broke in social situations. Not only did my friends benefit from the dessert I brought, but I was able to feel like one of the gang and forget my financial stress for a bit, too. The mental peace it can bring to have basic needs met doesn’t get talked about enough.”

Annabelle doesn’t allow herself to buy things like desserts or beverages. “These are the first things to cut on a grocery list. So when Today’s Harvest has them because they’ve been donated by a grocery store, I’m over the moon. You don’t need cake pops or coffee to survive but it goes back to finding joy, finding things that I would feel guilty picking them out at a grocery store because I have such a limited budget.”
Open Cupboard created Today’s Harvest to be a responsive, innovative and respectful model that centers people, community and the planet. More than providing hunger relief, its people create a safe space for community and connection, and Annabelle feels that in every visit and in the ripples they create.
“I am such a social person so in so many ways, even just coming to shop at Today’s Harvest gets me out of the house and around people, which is huge,” Annabelle shared. “Whether it’s something I pick up here or with the money I save because I shop here, this resource has allowed me to hold onto pieces of my social life that are hard to hold onto when you’re tight on money and high on stress.”